Leveling Up Your Electrical Services in the Greater Rochester Area This Week

Nothing truly lasts forever. Time will tell if something has served its purpose and finally needs to be replaced. This also applies when it comes to maintaining our homes. If you have a house that’s more than 20 years old, surely there are electrical parts in your house that require replacements.

But is it only ‘replacing’ that we need to focus on?

How about… ‘Upgrading’?

With upgrades, you don't just acquire something new. You get something that performs better and is in tune with the current standards and building codes.

One important aspect in our house that needs not only replacing but upgrading as well, is the electrical service. Let’s take a look at what electrical service upgrades are needed in our homes.

A Leap to 200 (or 300)

Homes back then had 100 amps capacity and everything worked pretty well. It was also a time when only a handful of appliances were inside these homes. 7 appliances might be considered as an ‘overstuffed’ house!

With the rise of countless new appliances, gadgets, and home amenities, the 100 amps that could once accommodate a whole house can no longer keep up with the demand of 2019's power-hogging equipment.

The client we worked with this week desperately needed an electrical upgrade to his home. His electrical usage frequently overpowered the panel box. This is not only an inconvenience, but it is also a safety hazard!


Planning to do this upgrade by yourself to save on expenses? Do not, please!

It’s never wise to tinker with crucial equipment without the necessary expert knowledge. Handling these things by yourself will cost you more AND might even endanger your life.

For the electrical aspects of your home, you need to hire a licensed electrician to properly layout and execute all the necessary upgrades for your electricity needs. For this reason, our client called us in to help them out.

Because we’re responsible specialists, we always take appropriate safety measures. First, we shut the power down before we did any work. Here’s what we accomplished after turning the power off.

Safely Installing the Ground Rods

Here’s Dan, putting in the ground rods.

If you don’t know what ground rods are, they’re safety measures for homes and buildings to prevent the dangers of a surge in electricity and static discharge voltage. We drive the rod into the ground to act as an electrical connection for that area. These rods will carry the current safely away from the circuit in case of static discharge voltage and surge in electricity. It also prevents any short circuit from turning into an electrical fire.

Working on the Entrance Cable

Now Dan is working on the entrance cable for the electric from the utility pole to the house.

The entrance cable will regulate the flow of electricity inside the house. It safely distributes that load of electricity in different parts of the home. It is necessary for the electricity to pass through this device because it serves the electric meter, which we will talk about next.

Progress with the Electric Meter Box

We not only replaced the main electric meter box but the old defunct panel as well. Here’s the electric meter box we’re setting up. It will measure the electric consumption of our client’s house.

Jon and Dan, our expert electricians, finished upgrading the service in six hours. They were able to replace the old equipment with a new system that’s much better in providing electricity without overpowering the panel box.

Long Term Benefits Our Client Will Enjoy

Thanks to this upgrade, our client can:

  • Use power-hogging equipment like gadgets and home amenities without worrying about the electrical service not being able to handle it.
  • Prepare beforehand for any home expansions that can result in additional electricity consumption.
  • Get some peace of mind as they are well equipped and prepared for any rise in electric demands.

Do you have an electric emergency? Call us at 585-206-8745 so we can discuss the project you have in mind.

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